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In la Olla de La Plaza Nueva, we have a wide selection of snacks that we vary daily. You’ll find from traditional snacks such as bread stuffed with Iberian cured ham and Cantabrian Tuna combined with local products, to author’s snacks innovated by our Chef.

We have a wide range of omelets made with farm eggs, which vary constantly, as well as a variety of refrigerated sandwiches to obtain a better conservation made with fresh products.

Some of Our Regular Snacks

Mini burguer ibérica

Mini burguer ibérica

cebolla confitada ahumada, mostaza verde y queso cheedar

Taco de chuleta

Taco de chuleta

con patata parmentier

Vieira Toro a la plancha

Vieira Toro a la plancha

con velouté de hongos

Galleta de rabo y foie de oca

Galleta de rabo y foie de oca

con confitura de naranja y compota de reineta

Alcachofa de Tudela XL

Alcachofa de Tudela XL

espuma de patata y tierra de ibéricos

Atún rojo

Atún rojo

ajoblanco de coco y confitura de piquillo asado